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Who am I?

I am an Assistant Professor at the MODUL University Vienna since 1st June 2014, now attached to the School of Applied Data Science. 


I am also CTO of the university spin-out research centre MODUL Technology GmbH, founded to conduct R&D activities on behalf of the university and its faculty. I acquire and execute through to successful completion national and EU projects for the Research Centre of New Media Technology at MODUL University Vienna. 


I have been responsible for the EU projects LinkedTV ( - as Scientific Coordinator - as well as MediaMixer ( and ReTV ( - as Project Coordinator.


I also teach (e.g. New Media Technology, Social Media Marketing, Marketing Intelligence, SEO & SEM, Media Asset Management and Re-use) at all university levels. 


My research interests cover the visual classification of photography to automatically extract the touristic destination image from social networks such as Instagram; the use of deep learning for predictive analytics in open domains such as predicting the next trending topic in online channels; the extraction and modelling of knowledge, e.g. about events, in graph structures and their combination with neural networks to improve computational understanding of the world. . 

A man pointing at his laptop screen

Lyndon J B Nixon





Assistant Professor, School of Applied Data Science, MODUL University Vienna


CTO, MODUL Technology GmbH


nixon AT modultech DOT eu





FFG project SDG-HUB from May 2022 to April 2025


FFG project GENTIO from January 2020 to June 2023


FFG project EPOCH from January 2019 to June 2022 (Project co-ordinator)




BMVIT project EcoMove from July 2018 to June 2021 (WP leader)


EU IA ReTV from January 2018 to March 2021 (R&D Manager, from 1 December 2018 Project co-ordinator)


EU IA InVID from January 2016 to December 2018 (WP leader)


EU IP LinkedTV since October 2011 to March 2015 (Scientific co-ordinator)


Support Action MediaMixer since November 2012 to April 2014 (Project co-ordinator)


EU NoE PlanetData from October 2010 to September 2013 (Impact Area leader)


FFG COIN ConnectME from June 2011 to August 2013 (Co-ordinator)


EU WP MediaCONNECT, part of the IP ExperiMEDIA, from October 2012 to August 2013 (partner)


Support Action EUCLID from June 2012 to January 2013 (Project co-ordinator)


FFG COIN SmartReality from September 2010 to August 2012 (Co-ordinator)


Support Action SOFI from June 2010 to May 2012 (Co-ordinator)


FIT-IT Future Internet Austria Community from February 2010 to November 2011


Infrastructure project SEALS from June 2009 to May 2012 (WP leader)


IP NoTube from February 2009 to January 2012 (WP leader)


CSA ServiceWeb 3.0 (Task leader)  from December 2008 to December 2009


FIT-IT SARID and SARIT (WP leader) from November 2008 to 2009


STREP TripCom from April 2006 to November 2008: WP2 and WP3 Leader


NoE KnowledgeWeb from April 2004 to December 2007: WP1.1 Leader and Industry Area Co-Manager



National and EU project leadership

Digital marketing, SEO+SEM, Social media analytics, Web intelligence

Semantic Web, Knowledge Graphs

Data Science: clustering, correlation, NLP, time series forecasting

AI: neural networks, deep learning, computer vision 

Python programming

English native speaker

German and Spanish fluency




Books (Editor)


“Video Verification in the Fake News Era”, Springer, 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-26751-3. 


Book Chapters


1. Nixon, L., Fischl, D. and Scharl, A. (2019): “Real time story detection and video retrieval from social media streams”, in the book “Video Verification in the Fake News Era”, Springer, 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-26751-3. 

2. Scharl, A., Hubmann-Haidvogel, A., Göbel, M., Schäfer, T., Fischl, D. and Nixon, L. (2019): “Multimodal analytics dashboard for story detection and visualisation”, in the book “Video Verification in the Fake News Era”, Springer, 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-26751-3.

3. Tsatsou, D., Mancas, M., Kuchar, J., Nixon, L., Vacura, M., Leroy, J., Rocca, F. and Mezaris, V.: “When TV meets the Web: towards personalised digital media”, with Dorothea Tsatsou,  Matei Mancas, Jaroslav KuchaÅ™, Lyndon Nixon, Miroslav Vacura, Juliens Leroy, François Rocca and Vasileios Mezaris. In the book “Semantic Multimedia Analysis and Processing”, July 2014. ISBN 978-1-4665-7549-3. 

4. Nixon, L.: “Web and TV seamlessly interlinked: LinkedTV”. In the book “Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment”, in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Volume 124, 2013. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-03891-9 (Print) 978-3-319-03892-6 (Online) 

5. Damjanovic, V., Kurz, T., Günther, G., Schaeffert, S. and Nixon, L.: “Semantically Linked Media for Interactive User-centric Services”. In the book “Media Networks: Architectures, Applications and Standards”, CRC Press, 2012. ISBN 978-1-4398-7728-9 

6. Nixon, L., Volz, R., Ciravegna, F. and Studer, R.: “Future Trends”. In the book "Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies", Springer, 2011. ISBN 978-3-540-92912-3

7. Nixon, L., Dasiopoulou, S., Evain, J.-P., Hyvönen, E., Kompatsiaris, I. and Troncy, R.: “Multimedia Broadcasting and eCulture”. In the book "Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies", Springer, 2011. ISBN 978-3-540-92912-3 

8. Leger, A., Heinecke, J., Nixon, L., Shvaiko, P., Charlet, J., Hobson, P. and Goasdoue, F.: “Semantic Web take-off in an Industry perspective”. In “Semantic Web Methodologies for E-Business Applications: Ontologies, Processes and Management Practices”, IGI Global, October 2008. 


Refereed Journals 


1. Nixon, L., Foss, J., Apostolidis, K., Mezaris, V.: Data-driven personalisation of television content: a survey. Multimedia Systems (2022). 

2. A. Weichselbraun, J. Steixner, A.M.P. Brasoveanu, A. Scharl, M. Gobel, L.J.B. Nixon.   Automatic Expansion of Domain-Specific Affective Models for Web Intelligence Applications. Cognitive Computation, Vol. 13, 2020. DOI:

3. Krummenacher, R., Simperl, E., Cerizza, D., Della Valle, E. Nixon, L. and Foxvog, D.: “Enabling the European Patient Summary Through Triplespaces”. In Computer Methods & Programs in Biomedicine (CMPB), Vol. 95(2), August 2009.

4. Nixon, L., Simperl, E., Krummenacher, R. and Martin-Recuerda, F.: “Tuplespace-based computing for the Semantic Web: A survey of the state of the art”. In Knowledge Engineering Review (KER) journal 23(2), June 2008.

5. Tolksdorf, R., Nixon, L. and Simperl, E.: “Towards a tuplespace-based middleware for the Semantic Web”. In Web Intelligence and Agent Systems (WIAS) journal 6(3), January 2008.

6. Nixon, L., Tolksdorf, R., Wood, A. and Menezes, R.: “Co-ordinating knowledge in pervasive environments”. In UbiCC Journal Volume 3 (ISSN 1992-8424), Special Issue on "Coordination in Pervasive Environments", 2008. 

7. Nixon, L., Krummenacher, R., Simperl, E., Cerizza, D. and Della Valle, E.: “Enabling collaborative eHealth through triplespace computing”. In UbiCC Journal Volume 3 (ISSN 1992-8424), Special Issue "Coordination in Pervasive Environments", 2008.




  1. Nixon, L. (2022): “Do DMOs promote the right aspects of a destination? A study of Instagram photography with a visual classifier”. In ENTER 2022, online, January 2022. 




  1. Nixon, L. et al. (2021): “Content Wizard: a demo of a trans-vector digital video publication tool”. In IMX 2021 Demos session, online, June 2021. 




  1. Nixon, L. (2020): “An online image annotation service for destination image measurement”. ENTER 2020 eTourism conference, Guildford, Surrey, January 2020.

  2. Nixon, L., Scharl, A. and Bocyte, R. (2020): “Topics Compass: uncovering Trending Topics for Optimised Media Content Publication”. Demo at ACM IMX 2020 (online), June 2020.

  3. Nixon, L. (2020): “Predicting your future audience: experiments in picking the best topic for future content”. Work in Progress track at ACM IMX 2020 (online), June 2020.

  4. Nixon, L. (2020): “Predicting your future audience’s popular topics to optimize TV content marketing success”. In the AI4TV 2020 workshop at the ACM Multimedia 2020, online, October 2020. 

  5. Brasoveanu, A., Weichselbraun, A. and Nixon, L. (2020): “In Media Res: A Corpus for Evaluating Named Entity Linking with Creative Works”. In the Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2020), online, November 2020.




  1. Nixon, L., Apostolidis, E. Markatopoulou, F., Patras, I. and Mezaris, V. (2019): “Multimodal Video Annotation for Retrieval and Discovery of Newsworthy Video in a News Verification Scenario”. MultiMedia Modeling 2019 conference (MMM2019), Thessaloniki, Greece, January 2019.

  2. Nixon, L. and Bernkopf, D. (2019): “The impact of visual social media on the projected image of a destination: the case of Mexico City on Instagram”. ENTER2019 eTourism conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, January 2019. 

  3. Nixon, L., Zwicklbauer, M., Komen, L. and Philipp, B. (2019): “The Trans-Vector Platform for optimised Re-purposing and Re-publication of TV Content”. DataTV workshop 2019 at ACM TVX 2019, Manchester, UK, June 2019. 

  4. Weichselbraun, A., Brasoveanu, A., Kuntschik, P. and Nixon, L. (2019): “Improving Named Entity Linking Corpora Quality”. RANLP 2019, Varna, Bulgaria, September 2019.

  5. Nixon, L., Ciesielski, K. and Philipp, B. (2019): “AI for Audience Prediction and Profiling to Power Innovative TV Content Recommendation Services”. Paper at AI4TV workshop, ACM Multimedia 2019, Nice, France, October 2019.

  6. Philipp, B, Ciesielski, K. and Nixon, L. (2019): “Automatically Adapting and Publishing TV Content for Increased Effectiveness and Efficiency”. Demo at AI4TV workshop, ACM Multimedia 2019, Nice, France, October 2019.



  1. Nixon, L. (2018). “Assessing the usefulness of online image annotation services for destination image measurement”. ENTER2018 eTourism conference, Jönköping, Sweden, January 2018.

  2. Brasoveanu, A., Rizzo, G., Kuntschik, P., Weichselbraun, A. and Nixon, L. (2018). “Framing Named Entity Linking Error Types”. 11th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC2018), Miyazaki, Japan, May 2018. 

  3. Brasoveanu, A., Nixon, L. and Weichselbraun, A. (2018). “StoryLens: A Multiple Views Corpus for Location and Event Detection”. 8th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS2018). Novi Sad, Serbia, June 2018. 

  4. Nixon, L. and Bernkopf, D. (2018). “The impact of social media on perceived destination image: the case of Mexico City”. TURITEC 2018, Malaga, Spain, October 2018.



  1. Nixon, L., Zhu, S., Rafelsburger, W., Fischer, F., Göbel, M. and Scharl, A. (2017). “Video Retrieval for Multimedia Verification of Breaking News on Social Networks”. 1st Intl Workshop on Multimedia Verification (MuVer), at ACM Multimedia 2017, Mountain View, CA, USA, October 2017.

  2. Vakulenko, S., Nixon, L. and Lupu, M. (2017). “Character-based Neural Embeddings for Tweet Clustering”, SocialNLP workshop at EACL 2017, Valencia, Spain, April 2017.

  3. Leung, D., Dickinger, A. and Nixon, L. (2017). “Impact of Destination Promotion Videos on Perceived Destination Image and Booking Intention Change”, ENTER2017 eTourism conference, Rome, Italy, January 2017.

  4. Nixon, L., Popova, A. and Önder, I. (2017). “How Instagram influences Visual Destination Image: a case study of Jordan and Costa Rica”, ENTER2017 eTourism conference, Rome, Italy, January 2017.


  • “Trans-Vector Platform: Optimised Distribution of Video Assets Across Digital Channels”, IBC 2021 Conference, online, December 2021 


  • “ReTV: Dynamically re-purposing of the content to reach the audience”, EBU AME working group, January 2021

  • “ ReTV - how can a/v archives better promote their media assets on digital channels?”, EUscreen Network Meeting (online), October 2020

  • “Video summarization and re-use technologies and tools”. Tutorial at ICME 2020 (online), July 2020

  • “Metadata-driven TV content repurposing and republication”. EBU MDN Workshop 2020 (online), June 2020

  • “Using TV Metadata to optimise the re-purposing and re-publication of TV Content across online channels”. EBU MDN Workshop 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2019. 

  • “From TV to ReTV: how television will re-invent itself through data-driven personalisation”. Keynote talk at the DataTV Workshop 2019 at ACM TVX 2019, Manchester, UK, June 2019.

  • Invited Talk “Tomorrow’s Technologies Today”. University of San Carlos, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, February 2019

  • “From TV to ReTV: How television will re-invent itself”. Cross Media Café, Hilversum, Netherlands, June 2018

  • Invited Talk “The New Challenge of Media Verification”, University of San Carlos, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, February 2016

  • “Visual Analytics for Big Data Applications”, EMC Bootcamp, Vienna, Austria, October 2015

  • “Linking the Web seamlessly to broadcast TV: issues and lessons learnt”, EBU Broadthinking, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2015

  • “LinkedCulture: linking related art objects with a cultural heritage TV program using the Europeana API”, Ignite Talk at EuropeanaTech 2015, Paris, France, February 2015

  • “Finding and recommending related online content for different types of TV programs”, invited talk with Harald Sack at the D-Werft conference, Potsdam, Germany, November 2014

  • “Engaging TV viewers with AudioVisual heritage on second screens”, invited talk with Lotte Belice Baltussen at the EUScreenXL conference, Rome, Italy, October 2014

  • “Linked Media: an approach to online media re-use”, tutorial talk at “Re-using Media on the Semantic Web”, ISWC 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy, October 2014.

  • “Media fragment re-mixing and playout”, tutorial talk at “Re-using Media on the Web”, WWW 2014, Seoul, April 2014. 

  • “MediaMixer - why do we need innovative multimedia solutions?”, MediaMixer Innovation Day, InnovationKT Conference, London, April 2014

  • “Mediamixer – Community set-up and networking for the reMIXing of online MEDIA fragments”, at OCW Global 2014 conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 2014. 

  • “Linking Web Content Seamlessly with Broadcast Television: Issues and Lessons Learnt”, 4th W3C Web and TV Workshop, March 2014

  • “What is MediaMixing?”, Winter School on Multimedia Processing and Applications (WMPA 2014), Dublin, January 2014

  • “The Future of Media: interactive and remixed”, Research Workshop, MODUL University, December 2013

  • “The importance of Linked Media to the Future Web”, keynote at the 1st Worldwide Workshop on Linked Media (LiMe 2013), at the WWW2013 Conference, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, May 2013

  • “How open data can enhance television”, Workshop,  co-located with the  5th joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2012), Bratislava, Slovakia, September 2012

  • “Semantic Leaves the Web: Semantics on Your Smartphone, Semantics in Your Television”, Semantic Tech & Business conference, Berlin, Germany, February 2012

  • “NoTube: New Services for television: social and semantic”, Media Web Symposium, Berlin, Germany, November 2011

  • “Semantic leaves the Web: semantics in your smartphone, semantics on your television”, XInnovations conference, Corporate Semantic Web workshop, Berlin, Germany, September 2011

  • "NoTube: this is future television", Berlin Semantic Web Meet Up, Berlin, Germany, February 2011

  • "How semantics can change television", NBI Kolloquium, FU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, February 2011 

  • Invited Talk "New Trends in Television: Social and Semantic", MBA Course, MODUL University, Vienna, Austria, June 2010.

  • Tutorial "Semantic Web: Grundlagen und Anwendungen", Berlin XML Days 2005, Berlin, Deutschland, September 2005.



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nixon AT modultech DOT eu

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